Multifidus & Gastrocnemius Muscle Thickness & Postural Stability in Spinal Cord Injury Patients: A Correlational Study

Online since 30 December 2023, updated 227 days ago

About this trial

This study aims to investigate the relationship between multifidus and gastrocnemius muscle thickness with postural stability in patients with spinal cord injury....

Included participants

18 - 90 years
Injury level
C1 - S5
  • Severity (AIS)?
  • Time since injury
    ≥ 6 months
    Healthy volunteers

    What’s involved




    Ultrasound imaging will be used to measure multifidus and gastrocnemius muscle thickness in patients with spinal cord injury. Postural stability will be assessed using the Berg Balance Scale, a clinical balance test consisting of 14 items that evaluate an individual's ability to maintain balance during various functional tasks such as standing unsupported, reaching forward, turning, and standing on one leg. The Berg Balance Scale is a reliable and valid clinical balance test that is commonly used in spinal cord injury patients. Statistical methods, including correlation and regression analysis, will be used to analyze the data and investigate the relationship between the multifidus and gastrocnemius muscle thickness and postural stability.

    Potential benefits

    Good to know: Potential benefits are defined as outcomes that are being measured during and/or after the trial.

    Wings for Life supports SCITrialsFinder

    Wings for Life has proudly initiated, led and funded the new version of the SCI Trials Finder website. Wings for Life aims to find a cure for spinal cord injuries. The not-for-profit foundation funds world-class scientific research and clinical trials around the globe.

    Learn more

    • Trial recruitment status
    • Recruiting soon
    • Trial start date
    • 1 Jun 2023
    • Organisation
    • Uskudar State Hospital
    • Trial recruitment status
    • Recruiting soon
    • Trial start date
    • 1 Jun 2023
    • Organisation
    • Uskudar State Hospital

    Wings for Life supports SCITrialsFinder

    Wings for Life has proudly initiated, led and funded the new version of the SCI Trials Finder website. Wings for Life aims to find a cure for spinal cord injuries. The not-for-profit foundation funds world-class scientific research and clinical trials around the globe.

    Learn more