Targeted HD-tDCS to Improve Upper Limb Rehabilitation in SCI

Arm/hand function
Online since 19 September 2023, updated 399 days ago

About this trial

This trial is enrolling individuals with chronic, incomplete cervical spinal cord injuries to test the effect of high definition transcranial direct current stimulation (HD-tDCS) and rehabilitation on upper limb function. The treatment targets specific brain regions by delivering current through five small electrodes configured in a cap that is worn on the head. The stimulation is intended to optimize upper limb rehabilitation. If included, participants will undergo either: 10 sessions of HD-tDCS and rehabilitation; or conventional tDCS and rehabilitation. Final testing will be performed after 14 days.

Included participants

18 - 75 years
Injury level
C2 - T1
  • Severity (AIS)?
  • AIS-C
    Time since injury
    ≥ 18 months
    Healthy volunteers
    Additionally, participants must
    NOT have history of seizures
    NOT have other neurological impairment or condition
    NOT have pacemaker or implanted device

    What’s involved




    Participants will be randomly assigned (like a “coin flip”) to one of two treatment groups: 1) one group will receive 10 sessions of “high definition” tDCS combined with upper limb rehabilitation; and 2) the other group will receive 10 sessions of “conventional” tDCS combined with upper limb rehabilitation. Each session will last approximately 2 hours. All participants will also undergo assessments of upper limb strength and nerve function two times prior to starting their 10 sessions and two times after completing all their sessions.

    Potential benefits

    Main benefits

    Arm/hand function

    Additional benefits

    Sensory function

    Good to know: Potential benefits are defined as outcomes that are being measured during and/or after the trial.

    Wings for Life supports SCITrialsFinder

    Wings for Life has proudly initiated, led and funded the new version of the SCI Trials Finder website. Wings for Life aims to find a cure for spinal cord injuries. The not-for-profit foundation funds world-class scientific research and clinical trials around the globe.

    Learn more

    • Trial recruitment status
    • Active
    • Trial start date
    • 23 Nov 2020
    • Organisation
    • University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
    • Trial recruitment status
    • Active
    • Trial start date
    • 23 Nov 2020
    • Organisation
    • University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

    Wings for Life supports SCITrialsFinder

    Wings for Life has proudly initiated, led and funded the new version of the SCI Trials Finder website. Wings for Life aims to find a cure for spinal cord injuries. The not-for-profit foundation funds world-class scientific research and clinical trials around the globe.

    Learn more