Temporary Inactivation of Strong Muscle Sensation to Improve Rehabilitation Interventions in SCI

Arm/hand function
Online since 15 August 2023, updated 364 days ago

About this trial

This trial is enrolling individuals with chronic, motor incomplete cervical spinal cord injuries to test the effect of temporary numbing of non-paralyzed arm muscles during exercise of weak or partially paralyzed muscles. This technique, which is believed to induce functional recovery (via plasticity), has been shown to benefit individuals with stroke. Investigators want to see if numbing the stronger biceps can improve nerve activity the weaker triceps, thus improving hand dexterity and pinch strength in SCI. If included, participants will undergo a single exercise session with temporary numbing (using a topical cream).

Included participants

18 - 75 years
Injury level
C2 - T1
  • Severity (AIS)?
  • AIS-C
    Time since injury
    ≥ 18 months
  • Injury type
  • Traumatic

    Healthy volunteers
    Additionally, participants must
    have ability to perform a reaching task
    have one arm that is weaker than the other
    NOT have severe tightness at the elbow

    What’s involved




    If included, participants will a single exercise session starting with numbing of the biceps muscle. Participants will then practice a reaching task for one hour, with a break every ten minutes. This movement training will be assisted by a robotic device. Clinical tests will be conducted at baseline, pre- and post-exercise.

    Potential benefits

    Main benefits

    Arm/hand function

    Additional benefits

    Good to know: Potential benefits are defined as outcomes that are being measured during and/or after the trial.

    Wings for Life supports SCITrialsFinder

    Wings for Life has proudly initiated, led and funded the new version of the SCI Trials Finder website. Wings for Life aims to find a cure for spinal cord injuries. The not-for-profit foundation funds world-class scientific research and clinical trials around the globe.

    Learn more

    • Trial recruitment status
    • Recruiting
    • Trial start date
    • 4 Jun 2019
    • Organisation
    • University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
    • Trial recruitment status
    • Recruiting
    • Trial start date
    • 4 Jun 2019
    • Organisation
    • University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

    Wings for Life supports SCITrialsFinder

    Wings for Life has proudly initiated, led and funded the new version of the SCI Trials Finder website. Wings for Life aims to find a cure for spinal cord injuries. The not-for-profit foundation funds world-class scientific research and clinical trials around the globe.

    Learn more