Find a Clinical Trial that fits your Spinal Cord Injury
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TPAD for Recovery of Standing After Severe SCI
This trial is enrolling 40 participants with chronic spinal cord injury to test the effect of the Tethered Pelvic Assist Device (TPAD) on balance. The TPAD is a lightweight, cable-driven robotic stand...
Spinal Cord Stimulation for Autonomic Recovery in Inpatient Rehabilitation After Acute SCI
This trial is enrolling 26 participants with acute spinal cord injury to test the safety and efficacy of transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation (tSCS). tSCS is a technique for stimulating the spinal c...
Keeping Promises: Translating Basic Research Into New Spinal Cord Injury Therapies
Centuries of medical wisdom – namely that spinal cord injury (SCI) treatment was limited to caretaking until the patients inevitably succumbed to complications – has given way to tremendous medical and research advancements.
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